Participation Fee :
Registration Start Date: Sep 09th, 2016
Registration End Date: Oct 05th, 2016
Event Date: Oct 08th, 2016
Event Time : 1:00 PM
Venue : J. Everett Collins Center,
100 Shawsheen Rd, Andover, MA 01810
“Nuvva Nenaa”
TAGB’s Exclusive Game Show
Register your Group today- Limited Spots available!!
Group can consist of 2-4 people. Game show will be conducted in two rounds. Both rounds will be conducted at venue on Oct 8th, prelim round in the afternoon at 1:00pm in a room reserved for that purpose. Final round will be conducted on stage at 4:30pm – exact time to be determined by cultural committee. Game Show team members will conduct both prelim and final rounds.
Groups will report to Game Show team by 10am on Oct 8th. Each group will prepare an act (=< 4min) to present during prelim round. Any costumes or props needed for this are taken care of by the groups. Groups will also play 1 or 2 games that make up final round. Individuals will be selected from these groups for final round and will be placed into min 2 or max 4 teams (depending on how many individuals with required talent are available). Each team will have min two people and max 4 people.
Prelim Round will take about 1 hour if 4 groups sign up. More time will be needed if more groups sign up.
Final Round will take place on stage for 30 min (time limit will be strictly adhered to). All games will be introduced to selected teams ahead of time. Final round will have 4 games as listed below.
Game 1: Marketing Pitch Round -Teams will take turns to marketing a pitch on a pre-determined topic for 1 min. Most funny conversation or pitch will score high marks.
Game 2: Video with Improv Round – Iconic scenes from noted movies will be played for 30 sec, then sound is muted and teams come up with comic and outrageously funny dialogue for the scene that is being played. Each team will get 2 min all-inclusive.
Game 3: Word Round (Lakshmakka, maata) – Each team will be given a topic to speak for 1 min but they cannot use a certain word related to the topic or have to use certain pair words with every sentence they speak.
Game 4: Rapid Fire/Buzzer; Teams will be asked 10-15 questions in 2-3 min, whichever team gets to the buzzer first will get to answer. Correct answer will receive points while incorrect answer will receive negative points. Question will not pass in case the first team answers incorrectly.
Disclaimer: TAGB reserves the right to accept and reject the participants. Participants are expected to accept Judges final decision with respect. In the incidence of unforeseen circumstances, TAGB reserves the right to conduct the show at a different time and venue and even cancel the show.