Telugu Association of Greater Boston

A 501(c)(3) Certified Non-Profit Organization Tax ID : 56-2627891
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Tennis 2015

Participation Fee :

Registration Start Date: Jul 01st, 2015

Registration End Date: Jul 29th, 2015

Event Date: Aug 01st, 2015

Event Time : 8:30 AM

Venue : Woburn Racquet Club, 9 Webster St, Woburn - MA

Please read instructions included at bottom of the page
Registrations closes on Tuesday July 28th, 2015

Please read the following:

1. Each player is required to submit separate forms for  each category they are playing in and pay participation fee.
2. For Doubles both players are required to submit forms and pay fee individually, make sure to enter partner name in the form for us to include in the draws
3.If you are playing doubles and one of the player is non member , s(he) required to pay non member fees.
4.All submission must follow with valid payment for us to confirm participation,