Telugu Association of Greater Boston

A 501(c)(3) Certified Non-Profit Organization Tax ID : 56-2627891

TAGB Ugadi 2018 on April 14th


TAGB ఉగాది ఉత్సవం దిగ్విజయానికి సహకారం అందించిన బోర్డు అఫ్ట్రస్టీస్లకుపాల్గొన్న కళాకారులకుఅహర్నిశలు పని చేసిన అనేకమంది స్వచ్ఛందసేవకులకుకార్యవర్గ సభ్యులకువిరాళాలిచ్చిన దాతలకువిక్రయదారులకు,
కార్యక్రమానికి విచ్చేసిన అతిధులకువసతిని అందించిన స్కూల్ యాజమాన్యానికి,కార్యక్రమ విజయానికి తోడ్పడిన అందరికీ కృతజ్ఞలు
TAGB thanks Board of Trustees for their assistance, artists, volunteers, committee members, sponsors, vendors, guests who attended the celebrations and the school management who provided the venue for the event. This event would not have been a success without your planning, team work, cooperation, and hard work. Thanks again.



Charity Initiative
We are excited to inform you that the charity initiative at recent Ugadi Celebrations was a huge success. We continue to include charity activities in future TAGB events.
Macaroni Cheese was cooked and served at the House for Hope Lowell shelter on Wednesday, April 18.
More charity activities are planned in the year to follow.
President & Executive Committee
(TAGB 2018-2019)



Feb 14th Registrations open

Mar 18th Registration final reminder

Mar 23th Registrations closed

Mar 26th    Confirmation Date 

Apr 2rd Due date for payment and audio file

Apr 14th Event date


Admission to TAGB event is free for members and for non-member adults, the admission fee is $10.00 and free for kids and parents visiting from India.

Our Sponsors

  • Golden Days
  • Westford Primary Care
  • Moksha
  • Classic Events
  • Woburn Racquet Club
  • TeamAid
  • SRDecors
  • Patel Brothers
  • NY-Life
  • sraveo
  • DesiPrimeRealty
  • Paradise Biryani
  • Smart Kids
  • citiairtravel