Telugu Association of Greater Boston

A 501(c)(3) Certified Non-Profit Organization Tax ID : 56-2627891

Thank you for making Ugadi Utsavaalu - 2017 a Grand Success

Thank you very much for making TAGB Ugadi Utsavaalu a Grand Success. It is not possible without your attendance, your participation, your help with the event, your sponsorship with the event. 

We sincerely salute our youth volunteers and adult volunteers who worked tirelessly for months to make this event a grand success. 

Please take a moment to see the list of the great people helped with the event.


Thank you and looking forward for your conitnued support for your future events. 










Our Sponsors

  • Golden Days
  • Westford Primary Care
  • Moksha
  • Classic Events
  • Woburn Racquet Club
  • TeamAid
  • SRDecors
  • Patel Brothers
  • NY-Life
  • sraveo
  • DesiPrimeRealty
  • Paradise Biryani
  • Smart Kids
  • citiairtravel